Dear Mom,
'Member when you and Ri were painting that wall chocolate-brown in her room after church? 'Member when we all went upstair to eat dinner? 'Member how me and Bwakey were still in our church clothes with the vests and khaki pants and how your friend came over around then and you guys were talking and Bwakey and me went downstairs to Ri's room and got the CHOCOLATE-BROWN paint and dumped the WHOLE GALLON OUT? That was so cool how we painted the walls and the antique hope chest your mother gave you and the doors and all those clothes and the dresser and Ri's soccer jersey and that was awesome how we had enough paint to paint the carpet and then that was even COOLER when we walked out and made footprints all over! Yah. Fun. I loved how that fancy blue church vest was soaking wet with paint. 'Member how you had to file an insurance claim for $3,500? Oh, the memories. That was a good time, huh, Mom?
The Beginning
Every day, 97 things happen that I am sure someone would get a good laugh at. I may or may not be laughing at them. I had three adorable, manageable kids, then I had Brock, who is now the cutest, most loving 3 year old in the world, at select moments. Brock has a little brother named Blake, in the BTP, (Brockstar Training Program). I am 34 years old, have been married for 13 years, have 5 kids and sing now and then. I like to create, NOT COOK or CLEAN, which is turning out to be a great challenge since I am in charge of a house with 7 PEOPLE! I do love the people, though. Here for you all to laugh at me and with me, is a record of my funny life, the mistakes I make, and the lessons I learn while trying to earn, MY BIG GIRL PANTS.
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