The Beginning

Every day, 97 things happen that I am sure someone would get a good laugh at. I may or may not be laughing at them. I had three adorable, manageable kids, then I had Brock, who is now the cutest, most loving 3 year old in the world, at select moments. Brock has a little brother named Blake, in the BTP, (Brockstar Training Program). I am 34 years old, have been married for 13 years, have 5 kids and sing now and then. I like to create, NOT COOK or CLEAN, which is turning out to be a great challenge since I am in charge of a house with 7 PEOPLE! I do love the people, though. Here for you all to laugh at me and with me, is a record of my funny life, the mistakes I make, and the lessons I learn while trying to earn, MY BIG GIRL PANTS.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Rollie Pollie Respect

As I was wiping up the dis-membered Rollie Pollie from my kitchen counter today, I thought about a story a friend told me this week about his child-hood housekeeper who found a tupperware of grasshoppers he had put in the fridge as a small boy. She opened the lid and screamed as they tried to jump out. His mother came running, and he went hiding. As he snuck closer to find out how much trouble he was going to be in, he heard her say to the housekeeper, "Well, isn't that the sweetest thing!"

My friend went on to say that his mother was always on his side. She always believed in him, supported him and cheered him on. That was a great lesson for me this week. I get upset with my older kids when they make a mistake because I think they should know better. A lot of the time, I am more worried about what the world around us will think or how that mistake has put me out. But if my kids grow up and don't feel loved and respected and accepted, I really won't care what anyone else thinks, I'll just regret not loving them more.

So, this is what I am going to work on: A) Making sure my kids know I believe in them, and that I am on their side and  B) I'm trying really hard to not talk to them with a "that was stupid" tone in my voice, which is so disrespectful, and so easy to do.

Yep, that was a good lesson for me.

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