The Beginning

Every day, 97 things happen that I am sure someone would get a good laugh at. I may or may not be laughing at them. I had three adorable, manageable kids, then I had Brock, who is now the cutest, most loving 3 year old in the world, at select moments. Brock has a little brother named Blake, in the BTP, (Brockstar Training Program). I am 34 years old, have been married for 13 years, have 5 kids and sing now and then. I like to create, NOT COOK or CLEAN, which is turning out to be a great challenge since I am in charge of a house with 7 PEOPLE! I do love the people, though. Here for you all to laugh at me and with me, is a record of my funny life, the mistakes I make, and the lessons I learn while trying to earn, MY BIG GIRL PANTS.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Pirates of the New Beginnings

Pirates of the New Beginnings 

OK, so the Young Women theme this year is something close to: "We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent virtuous and in doing good to all men. Indeed we may say that we follow the admonition on Paul, we hope all things, we believe all things, we have endured many things and we hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things." 13th Article of Faith

So! This year, we are PIRATES! Seeking after the virtuous, lovely and praiseworthy things in the world! We had the best time at New Beginnings! We did the funniest skit (because we are hillarious),

we had great food,
                                                                 the cutest handouts,
and a giant ship that you can't see in these pictures (none of which I had anything to do with.) We tied up our new Beehive, (who happens to be my daughter),
and brought her to the bow of the ship. Luckily she knew our pirate code, (13th article of faith), so she didn't have to walk the plank back to primary. So all year we will talk about finding the good treasures in the world and creating good things for other people to find and treasure. Girl's camp is going to be a blast with this, geocaching and digging up golden plates and stuff! I'll post the skit in "Pages", on the left of my home page in case ye want to sail the seas with yer own lasses! Argh, it's going to be a swashbuckling good adventure!


  1. Hi my name is Paige and I'm trying to find a skit for my New Beginnings. Our theme is Arise and Shine forth. I came across your blog and I'm wondering if you wouldn't mind sharing your skit? Thanks so much
    My Email address is:

  2. Paige, I am out of town and it is on my other computer. If you go to the top right of my page here, the skit is there, "Where's the Treasure". I'd love for you to use it. Let me know how it goes!
